Customer Testimonials

"Thank you so much Stefanie for all of your expertise and attention to detail in helping me create my new site! I am so grateful for you, as not only an amazing patient, but as a very skilled website designer! You were so easy to work with and very meticulous which I totally appreciate. Thank you!”

— Lisa A. Ryan, D.M.D,

Lisa A Ryan D.M.D headshot

"Stefanie helped us set up a social media strategy for our business and it was that energy, motivation and communication that helped us achieve the results we needed. If you are looking for guidance, assistance, help and advice in the world of social media, Stefanie is your person!"

— Cheryl Sutherland - CEO,

cheryl sutherland headshot

“Stefanie is a powerhouse. The world of social media marketing can be murky but she knows how to navigate it, and isn't afraid to try new things. Stefanie is always investing in herself and education so she can give her clients the best results. She will always be a straight shooter with you, which is very important for success.”

— Christopher Hadnagy, CEO, Social-Engineer, LLC,

chris hadnagy headshot

"Stefanie helped me to increase my search engine returns with a targeted SEO and social media strategy. She helped me to identify the best words, phrases and hashtags that my target audience was searching. Stefanie understands how people use search and she is a master at social conversations. This combined with her web developer background made her work an asset to my business. I recommend working with Stefanie, she will create the audience building strategy that is perfect for your business."

— Peter Shankman, CEO,

peter shankman headshot

“Stefanie introduced me to the world of social media and with her help and guidance I was able to quickly expand my network and maximize my internet presence to really build my business and dramatically increase sales very quickly. She designed 3 websites for me including my successful luxury brand e-commerce site, Her enthusiasm and hard-working personality make her a pleasure to work with!”

— Pamela Robins, author, teacher, speaker,

pamela robins headshot
  • "Stefanie really came to the table with all of the services I needed and a few I did even know could help my business! Her team developed a super clean site that allows my business to present information and timely news to the the film permit industry. Stefanie's knowledge of social media tools, trends and planning allowed us to enter the socialscape at our own pace and utilize our staff for support."

    — Jill Stanley Markow, President, Walker Production Services

  • “Stefanie has been massively helpful in getting our Law Practice a social media presence and making sure we're privy to all the ins and outs of the digital marketing world. She listens to your needs, educates herself on your specific space, and gives you the tools to be successful. She is a master of her craft, up on the ever-changing digital advertising landscape. I highly recommend her..”

    — Vanessa Carey, Marketing Director, Carey Law

  • “I am a business owner and podcaster and I knew I wanted to use social media to help build audiences for both. Stefanie created a social media strategy and implemented a seamless workflow for my staff that has allowed me to build awareness and generate new business plus have the time to launch new podcasts! Stefanie understands the work and nuances that make social media a marketing tool not a time suck!"

    — Glen Sanders, CEO Fat Head Events

  • "I have worked on many web development projects with Stefanie and each one has far surpassed our expectations and delivered an excellent experience for our clients. She is an asset to my network."

    — Catherine Geanuracos, Co-Founder, GovtechScale

  • "Stefanie helped me to increase my search engine returns with a targeted SEO and social media strategy. She helped me to identify the best words, phrases and hashtags that my target audience was searching. Stefanie understands how people use search and she is a master at social conversations. This combined with her web developer background made her work an asset to my business. I recommend working with Stefanie, she will create the audience building strategy that is perfect for your business."

    — Peter Shankman, CEO,

  • "Stefanie is a true professional. Her knowledge and implantation of social media best practices has helped my clients achieve their goals. She is skilled in traditional communication strategies as well and able to harness the power of both new and traditional media to bring them to each assignment."

    — Jeffrey Wilson, Director of Marketing Communications, Ronin Revolution

  • "Stefanie is a true joy to work with! Always inventive and putting our company first, Stefanie has helped us develop our internal systems and dramatically increase our social media presence. We sincerely appreciate her ongoing guidance and support."

    — Jason Cooper, CEO, Lusive Decor

  • "Stefanie helped us set up a social media strategy for our business and it was that energy, motivation and communication that helped us achieve the results we needed. If you are looking for guidance, assistance, help and advice in the world of social media, Stefanie is your person!"

    — Christopher Hadnagy, CEO, Social-Engineer, LLC

  • "Stefanie is my go to person for all things social media. She is on top of every trend and can quickly tell me what will work best for my clients and how to best implement it into our overall digital marketing plan. She is like my social media encyclopedia!"

    — Sharon Noot, CEO, Noot INC.

  • “Stefanie is a powerhouse. The world of social media marketing can be murky but she knows how to navigate it, and isn't afraid to try new things. Stefanie is always investing in herself and education so she can give her clients the best results. She will always be a straight shooter with you, which is very important for success.”

    — Cheryl Sutherland - CEO,

  • "Hiring Stefanie was the best choice I could have made. She guided me through every stage of the process of planning, producing, launching and marketing my course."

    — Laura Silverstein, LCSW

  • “Stefanie introduced me to the world of social media and with her help and guidance I was able to quickly expand my network and maximize my internet presence to really build my business and dramatically increase sales very quickly. Her enthusiasm and hard-working personality make her a pleasure to work with!”

    — Pamela Robins, author, teacher, speaker

  • "Thank you so much Stefanie for all of your expertise and attention to detail in helping me create my new site! I am so grateful for you, as not only an amazing patient, but as a very skilled website designer! You were so easy to work with and very meticulous which I totally appreciate. Thank you! "

    — Lisa A. Ryan D.M.D

  • I'm in an aesthetic business, I rep commercial photographers and artists but somehow I couldn't get my Instagram looking great and definitely wasn't sure which social media channel I should be focusing on...I heard Stefanie speak at WeWork and received a 30 minute consultation from her, she had some innovative, yet simple tips on how to up my social media game. My IG is looking amazing and we're gaining new followers like crazy, I learned where and how to my efforts regarding social strategies. This lady knows her stuff!!

    — Dara Siegel, Founder, I Heart Reps

  • "For the longevity of my company, one thing has remained consistent: Stefanie LaHart. Throughout this time, Stefanie’s dedication and knowledge has been extremely vital towards my success. Stefanie and her team created a wonderful website, and given me peace of mind knowing that her expertise allowed me to focus on my day-to-day tasks. I can’t thank her enough for her time and loyalty to myself, and my company."New List Item

    — Brian Gross, Founder, BSG PR

  • "Stefanie helped me to launch my fitness Your Tube Channel in under 28 days! She taught me the ins and outs of how to use this platform in order to drive traffic to my video series that is purchased through my website."

    — Kathleen Carman, Founder, Beyond Pilates LA

  • "I know my audience is on social but I wasn't sure how to motivate them to become dedicated listeners of my podcast. Stefanie was able to quickly show me three steps that would immediately up my engagement and help me to really turn on that conversation flow that will ultimately increase my listener base."

    — Matthew Sullivan , Founder & CEO ,

  • “I’ve been using online marketing for years, but can’t say I was “dialed-in.” Within minutes of our first conversation Stefanie was able to uncover some ways to gain even greater exposure using social media. I’m anxious to put her ideas into action and watch my audience grow!”

    — Dan Thompson , Founder & CEO ,