How to Crush It on Instagram

Are you feeling like your Instagram growth has hit a wall? Whether you’re new to the platform or an established account seeing your audience growth stagnate, you’re not alone. With the constant changes in social media trends, it can be tough to figure out what’s working now and how to keep your account thriving. But don't worry—I’m here to help you out!

Hi, I’m Stefanie LaHart, and I’ve spent years helping business owners, entrepreneurs, and content creators turn online conversations into real-world customers. In this post, I’m going to share three powerful, tried-and-tested Instagram growth strategies that are making waves for my clients right now. Let’s dive in!

1. Reels: The Growth Engine You Can’t Ignore

You’ve probably seen Reels all over your Instagram feed—and for good reason! Instagram is heavily pushing this feature, and they reward users who take advantage of it with more visibility and, consequently, growth.

Why Reels Work for Growth: Instagram wants you to use their new tools, so they’re more likely to promote your content if you do. It’s simple: the more you use Reels, the more likely your content is to be seen by a wider audience.

How to Use Reels Effectively: The key is to create Reels that resonate with your niche. Look at what similar accounts in your field are doing. For example, in my niche of social media strategy, I’ve found that educational Reels—like infograms—are the ones getting the most views and interactions. They’re informative, engaging, and align perfectly with what my audience is looking for.

But remember, it’s not about copying others; it’s about finding what works for your brand and audience.

2. Carousel Posts: The Scroll-Stopper

We’ve all become accustomed to endless scrolling on our phones. But how do you make your audience stop and pay attention? Enter the carousel post—a powerful tool to keep your followers engaged.

Why Carousel Posts Work: Carousel posts are designed to make your audience pause. The first image or video should be a “power piece” that grabs attention, followed by up to nine more frames where you can tell a compelling story. This format is great for boosting engagement because it encourages your audience to scroll through multiple slides, spending more time on your content.

Pro Tip: Carousel posts are not just for your feed—they work wonders for ads too! The key is to make that first image or video irresistibly clickable. Once you’ve got them hooked, the additional slides can drive your message home.

3. Videos and Stories: The Art of Pattern Interruption

In a world where everyone is scrolling endlessly, how do you get someone to stop and actually engage with your content? The answer is pattern interruption.

What is Pattern Interruption? Pattern interruption is a technique used to break someone’s habitual scrolling and grab their attention. It’s about shaking things up so that your content stands out.

How to Use It: In your Instagram Stories, try mixing static images with videos. For example, a sequence of image-image-video works wonders for me. People are more likely to stop when they see a person talking in a video, making them curious about what’s going on. Just remember to keep it simple—too much text can be overwhelming and counterproductive.

Less is More: Avoid cramming too much information into your videos or stories. A clear, impactful message will do far more to engage your audience than a cluttered, confusing one.

Bonus Tip: Embrace New Tools

Instagram is always evolving, and so should your strategy. If you’re watching this or reading this blog post months from now, be sure to stay up-to-date with the latest tools Instagram has introduced. The same growth strategies can be applied to new features—just be ready to adapt and experiment.

Ready to Grow Your Instagram?

These three strategies—Reels, carousel posts, and videos with pattern interruption—are what’s working for my clients right now, and I’m confident they’ll work for you too. The key to success on Instagram is staying flexible, testing what resonates with your audience, and always being ready to pivot when new trends emerge.

If you have any questions about growing your Instagram account, especially for your specific business, feel free to leave a comment below. Your question might just be on someone else’s mind too! And don’t forget to join my online community by subscribing to my YouTube channel and hitting that notification bell. That way, you’ll never miss out on my latest tips and strategies.

Let’s grow your Instagram together—one post at a time!


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