How to Grow Your LinkedIn Followers and Build Your Business

Building a following on LinkedIn takes time and consistency, but with the right strategy, you can transform your LinkedIn Business page into a powerful marketing tool that supports your business growth. Here are practical and effective strategies to drive awareness, increase engagement, and create a LinkedIn Business page that stands out.

1. Drive Awareness to Your LinkedIn Page

To grow your LinkedIn followers, you need to get your page in front of your ideal audience. Here’s how to start:

  • Add a LinkedIn Button to Your Website: Make it easy for your website visitors to find your LinkedIn page by adding a LinkedIn button that links directly to your business page—not your personal profile.

  • Add LinkedIn to Email Signatures and Newsletters: Include a link to your LinkedIn page in your email signatures, newsletters, and even blog posts. Every touchpoint is an opportunity to introduce people to your business page.

2. Post Consistently and Create Engaging Content

Consistency is key when it comes to growing your LinkedIn audience. Here are some content ideas and strategies to keep your page active and engaging:

  • Ask Questions: People love to share their opinions and experiences. Asking questions in your posts encourages conversation and engagement, leading to more visibility.

  • Incorporate Video: Videos get significantly more engagement than other post types. Keep your videos short and to the point to capture your audience's attention. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats like quick tips, behind-the-scenes looks, or interviews.

  • Share Written Content: Position your brand as an industry thought leader by sharing relevant written content, including slideshows, PowerPoints, or downloadable PDFs. This provides value to your community and establishes your business as a go-to resource.

  • Use LinkedIn’s Content Suggestions: In your page's admin dashboard, you’ll find a handy tool called Content Suggestions. It offers curated articles and news pieces that are relevant to your industry. Sharing these on your page can boost your credibility and keep your community informed.

3. Reshare and Engage with Your Community

Your LinkedIn page should be a place for two-way communication. Make sure to:

  • Reshare Posts: If your employees or customers share posts about your brand, reshare them on your page. It’s a great way to highlight your community's involvement and spread positive word-of-mouth.

  • React and Comment on Hashtags: Engage with your community's hashtag feeds by reacting and commenting on posts. This helps to introduce your page to new audiences and build meaningful connections.

4. Monthly Strategies to Promote Your LinkedIn Page

Beyond weekly content, there are a few monthly strategies to help grow your page:

  • Cross-Promote on Other Social Media Platforms: Promote your LinkedIn page on your other social media channels, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and even TikTok. Encourage followers on those platforms to connect with you on LinkedIn for more in-depth business content.

  • Tag Other Pages and Use Mentions: When posting on LinkedIn, tag other pages or members using mentions. This not only engages your community but also expands your reach to new potential followers.

  • Switch Up Your Hashtags: Review and refresh the hashtags you use in your community's panel. Changing up your hashtags helps you tap into new audiences and keeps your content appearing in various feeds.

5. Analyze and Optimize Your Content

Review your analytics regularly to see what kind of content resonates most with your audience. Use this data to guide your future content strategy. Determine whether you can easily produce more of the high-performing content or if you need to adjust your production schedule to meet your audience's needs.

Bonus: My Super Secret Ninja Tip

Engage with your community’s hashtags! By reacting and commenting on posts related to your industry, you not only participate in the conversation but also get your page in front of new audiences who may not have discovered your business otherwise.

Make LinkedIn Part of Your Social Media Strategy

LinkedIn can be a powerful business builder when used correctly, and your business page is an excellent way to foster a community around your brand. Use these tips to maximize your LinkedIn presence, grow your followers, and drive business growth.

If you want to streamline your social media efforts and make them work for you, download my free Social Media Strategy Planner . It will help you jump-start your strategy and save you tons of time.


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